Saturday, January 13, 2007

Get Notified When Any Web Pages Change!

If you aren't familiar with these page changing notification services, they can be very helpful for keeping up on when a web page changes, such as your favorite free crochet pattern sites! One that I use on the Internet is . I have my Annie's Attic free crochet pattern of the day page set for notification and when the notice of change comes in my email inbox, I am not only reminded to check the pattern for the day, but I see the title and most if not all of the text for the pattern right there in the email, along with a link to go to the page. You could also do a Google search for similar services.

300 Crochet Stitches: Includes Basic Stitaches, Lace Patterns, Motifs, Filet, Clusters, Shells, Bobbles, Loops (The Harmony Guides, V. 6) (vol. 6) (Paperback)