Good crochet day to you! And here you are, so kind to visit this blog for your free crochet pattern or maybe hundreds of free crochet patterns and there isn't even an edging pattern to be found! How disappointing!
If you bookmark this blog, I promise to make it up to you. My New Year's resolution is to finally share all these crochet patterns that I've toted around the world for upmteen years. This is day one, which is blog-setting-up-day. The patterns will begin to appear as in direct proportion to the time I can make prepare and load them up here on the blog.
In the meantime, if you have any particular desiderata (that'd be your wishes) for particular kinds of crochet patterns, drop me an email. I may not have time to answer your email (because you want me scanning and uploading those patterns now doncha?), though I will post patterns based on two criteria -- most desired and most unusual. So if I get a hundred requests for baby crochet patterns, you will be seeing lots of baby crochet patterns. If I get a request for men's checkered suspenders with a watch fob using braid crochet (and if I can find a pattern for that!), then you'll see it here.
Most patterns posted here are no longer under copyright (in other words, they are now in the public domain) and a few will be original patterns. The bulk of the patterns are timeless even though they are antique. These are rare finds. Enjoy helping yourself and feel free to tell your crocheting friends!